Monday, August 31, 2015

Mr. Harris goes to Chicago

For the first time, my wife surprised me with a trip to Chicago for my birthday.  I have always wanted to go and, BLAM, my wife drops one of the best gifts an art teacher could get, in my lap.


I have only seen many of these artworks in books or on the net.  I can not express to my students and fellow art educators how important it is to see them in person.  I take the Nelson Atkins Museum in Kansas City for granted since I have visited it a bazillion times.  It was so refreshing seeing all of this culture first hand.  CS students, it is my goal for us to visit Chicago in the next 4 years.  Get ready.

 Bunky Echo–Hawk, a Native American artist and poet who is known for his acrylic paintings about Native American topics and hip hop culture.

The Willis Tower.....aka, The Sears Tower

Look ma, no floor

And the Beat Goes On.....

More photos from the Art room of Mr. Harris.  Again, sorry for the delay.  Time and Technology problems prevented me from posting.  Enjoy.

Art Club Cougar Eyes Mural