Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homecoming - 2016

This year, the Climax Springs Homecoming theme centered around the 2010 Alice in Wonderland movie.  Each day of the week featured a unique theme and each upper level class (7th - 12th) created a mural for the class spirit competition.

Myself, (Mr. Shawn Harris) and Mr. Cody Noell as "Jake from State Farm" on twin day.

A couple of twins.  Steak and Shake servers? Blues Brothers? Men in Black? Hmmmmmm?

Twin day, everyday.
These ladies filled their art bingo cards with on task stamps and cashed their cards in for a tasty snack. Good job ladies.

Twin day buddies.

Beginning to layout the 9th grade Freshman mural.  Mr. Harris, one of two class advisors, is doing a great job supervising.

Freshmen added to the mural after school each day building up to the Friday finish.

A pinch of paint, a modicum of marker

And ta da....The Mad Cougar says, "Off with their head!!!"

Nailed It!!!

How many of you remember nail and string art like the example below?
When I was younger, this was the style of nail and string art that was created.  Cool geometric shapes.  As a twist, I've asked my students to reinvent the process and create modern images.  We have researched multiple sites online using Pinterest and such.  Below are a few examples of my students work.

Students painted their board and then tapped in their nails using a paper template to guide them.  Once the nails were secured, students pulled out their paper template and began threading and looping the yarn / string around the nails.  Students could use any color of paint for the background and any color of yarn that they desired.  Some students chose to distress their board by using sandpaper to sand off some of the paint allowing the raw wood to show through, while some other students chose to "stain" their wood by applying the paint and then wiping it off.

Pre-K learns about faces part 2

In a second class, Pre-K students examined their faces in a mirror and used observation to draw their face.  Each student was amazed by the exploration portion of the assignment.  Students noticed new things about their face even though they have looked at their face multiple times in the past.  I have always cherished these "awakenings" in my students, no matter if they are in Pre-K or are a senior in high school.

Veterans Day 2015

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”
—Dan Lipinski

I am very thankful for those who have answered the call when America needed them.  I thank those who have defended her name and assisted others who needed her arms, both here on our shores and abroad.  I am grateful for everyone's service whether a person picked up a weapon or a scalpel or served at home by assisting in a scrap drive or welding and riveting the hull of a ship. My hope is to inspire within my students a gratitude that can never be repaid but can be eternally expressed. I am proud of the efforts that my students put into their work and proud of the way that our school gives thanks to all of our veterans.

Our elementary students worked on creating placemats for each of the veterans that we served and the high school students worked on the wall art.  Each elementary student wrote a letter to a veteran and incorporated that into their placemat.  Each veteran was welcome to keep the placemat that they received.  I am proud that so many of the veterans that we served were touched by the letters and the artwork, and were honored to be able to keep their placemat that a student had created. Each high school student created a patriotic artwork that would be displayed on the walls.  Each work was unique and honored those it was made for.