Monday, April 14, 2014

Japanese Oni masks cont.

Here are a few of the Japanese Oni masks created from our high school art classes.  The students studied the Oni masks and added their own touches to them.  We used old school paper mache (flour and water) with a bit of salt and cinnamon to combat mold and stench after sitting for a few days.


It's is always awesome to see how the students start with nothing and develop ideas and create a unique product.  Very nice.

Footloose - Silhouettes

This week, our elementary kiddos will begin to create artwork for display during our spring concert - "Footloose", directed by Ms. MJ Wilson.  As I was looking at the image below and recalling the original Kevin Bacon movie, I was thinking about how all the dancing and music included.  I then recalled those early I Pod ads with the black silhouettes...and a ha, inspiration was born.
The elementary classes will be working on their own silhouettes for the Footloose concert.  Each student will work on tracing and cutting their and their partners silhouette out and embellishing them.


 Third Grade - Group B....let the bodies hit the floor

Students paired up, traced each other and started to cut out their silhouettes.  After they have cut their silhouette out, they need to begin to consider how to embellish thier figure.