Friday, May 6, 2016

5th grade Keith Haring Positive and Negative people

Fifth grade students explored Keith Haring and his "people".  Fifth grade students designed their own people and explored positive and negative space.  Once a student designed a Haring inspired person, they cut that person out of a sheet of colored paper.  The cut out became the "positive" and the cut out area / shape was the negative.

3rd Grade Clay

Third grade students created clay owls.  After their creations had dried and were fired, the 3rd graders got to paint their work.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

4th grade Romero Britto cougars

The 4th grade students studied the work of artist Romero Britto.  Britto's artwork is very colorful, contains lots of patterns and is broken down into multiple shapes.  Students were challenged to create a cougar, the Climax Springs mascot, and put a Romero Britto spin on their creations.

Pre K celebrates "The Dot"

Pre School students enjoyed the book, "The Dot".  Students were read the book and were asked to create their own dots.



6th grade clay.....the flip side

My 6th grade class is so large, it had to be split into two different sections.  These are photos of the second, 6th grade class working with clay.

Kindergarten Clay

Kindergarten students had an opportunity to work with clay.  This year they created jewelry by rolling out slabs of clay and stepping on them with their shoes, leaving the textures.  Students then used a variety of "stamps" to cut out shapes from their clay.  Those textured shapes became earrings, pins and pendants.  Once dried and fired, the students will paint or glaze them and give them to the special ladies in their life.

High School Clay part 2

Another look at more high school students working with clay.  Students in the high school classes were asked to create hand built vessels using either coil or slab methods, a mask or a kiln god/deity. Students were also offered the opportunity to work on the ceramic wheel if they chose to.