Wednesday, March 15, 2017

We are now on Twitter - Follow us

The Climax Springs Art class is now on Twitter too.  Check out the Twitter feed and follow us @cspringsart .  We will use twitter as another awesome platform to reach out and communicate with the parents and community members and showcase our awesome art students.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

3rd grade Gyotaku (Fish Prints)

The 3rd grade artists had an opportunity to study Gyotaku, which is a traditional Japanese method of printing fish, a practice which dates back to the mid-1800s. It is believed fishermen created prints of their fish as a means of recording their catches.  The 3rd grade artists used rubber fish to ink and then stamp or create prints.  The students loved their creations AND, one student even had her artwork purchased at the parent teacher conference.  It will grace the wall of an area cabin, here at the lake of the Ozarks.
Loving her fish print
Inking and printing

Showing off his masterpiece

This work now hangs in a cabin here at the lake

5th grade cut paper sculpture fun

5th grade students are recycling art room scraps and working from the inspiration from studying artist Frank Stella.  Students selected their papers, considered how to integrate it into their design, cut it and assembled it. - Awesome

Saturday, March 11, 2017

6th grade Greek vessels

In preparation for the Cultural Art Night, the 6th grade class is working on their Greek vessels.  Students have studied different form, designs, and functions of those vessels and will create their own using paper.  Once the vessel is designed and cut out, students will focus on the images and patterns to go on it's surface. What story will they tell?

Forms selected and designed and now are being cut out

Examination and study of traditional Greek patterns

Ah, which one shall I choose?

Another satisfied student.  A nice symmetrical amphora vessel.

Careful measuring an alignment must be made to ensure symmetrical balance.

Art 2 students exploring alternative materials for their artwork

The Art 2 students were challenged to find and use alternative materials to create their next artwork.  Students were encouraged to consider materials that were cheap or free, found in large quantities and could be assembled or manipulated in some way.  One student wanted to explore rice, another wanted to try paper clips and another wanted to collaborate with her grand father and glue a bunch of colored pencils together and use that "block" to create a turned wood vase or bowl.  She later changed her mind and wanted to use nails and yarn.

Seeing if we can glue rice to a balloon surface

Does this smell funny? Here you smell it and see.

Which glue works better for this, super glue or Elmers?

Maybe if we use Elmers to attach it to the balloon and then coat it with super glue?  Experiment and see what happens.

Weaving and linking paper clips together to create a woven metal cube.

Nailed it!

Drive in your nails and then use yarn or string to create your design.

1st grade artists practice knot tying for their faux Navajo rug art for the Cultural Art Night displays

The 1st grade students have finished their large, poster board size, faux Navajo Indian blankets.  Now they are preparing to finish the pieces by tying knotted yarn on the ends to replicate the fringe on woven blankets.

Knot tying practice

Lots of holes to try and fill with knotted yarn

So proud

Students punch holes with the hole punch and tie their knots

Another happy accomplishment

Finishing their faux Navajo Blanket paintings from the week before

Using the brush to push and pull the paint

Adding a green accent color to his pattern

more painting

7 and 8 graders starting observational drawings

The 7th and 8th grade boys started their observational drawing skills.  Each student selected a still life object to practice with.  Once students have mastered 4 objects in the next week, we will combine all the objects into a still life, located in the center of the room and the students will work on an observation still life drawing.

44 eyes observing objects and 22 hands sketching what the eyes see

Working on his value scale practice worksheet.  He is close to finishing the 10 value scales and will then move on to shading in the sphere, creating the illusion of 3D space on a 2D surface.

Blending his values using a small stub of paper towel. Nice bottle drawing!

Practice, practice, practice.

Vase and glass drawings in progress.

Preschoolers LOVE valentines day art

As an extra special treat, the preschool students came to the art room, rather then me visiting their class.  By having the preschool students come to art, they begin to understand how to come to art and how to come into the art room.

The preschool students practiced their scissor cutting skills, their folding skills and their painting control in the creation of their stenciled dot heart. Pre K art bugs used q tips to dip into the paint and then used dots to paint around their cut out stencil heart.

Nearly finished. Looks great

Checking out progress

Working on their hearts. Recycling magazine pages as disposable paint palettes.

Love it!

Art 1 - high school perspective drawings - using game boards

The Art 1 high school students studied perspective and created drawings using either 1 point or 2 point perspective.  Each student practiced their understanding of the concepts by working through a practice worksheet and once they felt confident, they demonstrated their mastery on a large sheet of drawing paper.  Students used observation and measuring skills to draw their chosen game boards.

Photo example 1

Photo example 2

Photo example 3

Selected the Candy Land Board. Starting to add color to her drawing

Using observation to start the drawing

Four examples of student work

Four more examples of student work