Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Elementary Art Club has now formed!!!! Dawn of the drawing machines.

For the first time, possibly ever, Climax Springs now has an elementary art club.  Today we met for the first time and WOW, check out the turn out!  We opened with the suggestion of names for the elementary art club and the selection of such name.  Then we began our first exploration challenge.  Students explored the idea of drawing machines.  Students took markers and attached them to electric toothbrushes, child toys and remote control cars and allowed the "machine" to have some control over the act of drawing.

The elementary art club's first meeting-The MS/HS art club met as well and then moved their meeting to the hall.

A packed house ready to begin a fun, artistic journey

Planning the next move

The "drawing machines" rumbled, shook, turned and jittered as they made multiple marks across drawing surfaces (including the art room tile floor).  The students worked in teams of 2,3,4 and 5's to discuss how changing the position of the markers, attached using Velcro, rubber bands or tape, would affect the drawing results.  Many smiles, giggles, "oh wow's" and "let me try's" were present this afternoon.  Our first meeting has been a success. - Mr. Harris

1 comment:

  1. This is truly wonderful! Thank you students for sharing your art and thank you Mr. Harris!
